Jordan Springs, NSW

CLOUSTON Associates has been instrumental in designing and developing the open space for Jordan Springs estate. Melaleuca Park offers important recreational and educational opportunities for the new residential community.

The playground is sited in the shade of the mature spotted gum forest, preserving the natural landscape character of the Cumberland Plain Woodland. Created with designer Ric McConaghy, it features whimsical sculptured play elements – an emu slide, cicarda totems, tree houses, trampolines, swings, water play and climbing nets.

The 2.8 hectare Melalueca Lake has a circuit path, picnic lawns, interpretive signage and viewing decks. Nestled next to Wianamatta Regional Park, the lake serves a critical stormwater management function. A series of shallow basin wetlands treats urban stormwater run-off and protects the natural waterways downstream.

Client: Lend Lease
Services: Conceptual design, 3D flythrough, DA, CC, Tender advice, construction advice
Date: 2015-2017

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