Graphics and Illustration
Using art to entice
We have found that the communication of an idea is often as effective as the quality of an idea itself.
To illustrate some ideas, CLOUSTON has created rich graphic designs such as perspective illustrations of projects, concept diagrams, sections and photo montages, and both our clients and the public have responded positively.
Core elements of this service include:
- Public exhibition material
- Presentation drawings packages
- Brochures, flyers, posters and other graphic material used to advertise community consultation
- Graphics specifically for newspaper media releases
- Perspective illustrations from sketch quality to public exhibition standard
- Coordinated complex graphic packages such as information, signage and interpretation systems, from inception through to installation.
Art and Interpretation
Design that tells a story
In creating a memorable experience of place, CLOUSTON views the weaving of meaning through landscape, art pieces and specific interpretation as an essential component.
At our award-winning Stanhope Estate in Parklea, sculptures make humorous references to the fading memory of the site’s previous history as the Peel Perfection Dairy, while the timeline at Cadi Jam Ora First Encounters Garden in Sydney’s Royal Botanic Gardens aims to convey the differences in approach to the natural environment between the Cadigal people and the British First Fleet.
Core elements of this service include:
- Landscape design as sculpture and art that provides opportunities to appreciate the special qualities of a place
- The integration of artworks through careful siting, commissioning of site-specific pieces, and working with artists through the development of these projects
- Site-specific interpretation in the form of interpretive strategies, signage, maps and brochures.
Community Engagement
Keeping communication lines open
CLOUSTON is committed to community participation and communication in all aspects of its practice.
We value the continuing role of the broader community not only in the evolution of successful outcomes, but wherever possible in a meaningful and enduring involvement in the processes of implementation, care and control.
Core elements of this service include:
- Introductory public meetings, facilitated workshops and focus-group meetings
- Letterbox drops and mail-outs, onsite notices
- Personal mapping exercises, project progress posters, post-exhibition workshops and workshop site visits to evaluate final strategies
- Telephone surveys, in-park user surveys, and face-to-face interviews
- Letter notification to all stakeholders, including regular newsletter updates
- Involvement of local media including newspapers, radio and television interviews to reach a wide community base
- Public presentation displays to elicit comment.