Strategic Planning
Regional Plans/Master Plans/Feasability Studies
Big picture thinking
At this level of planning we take a holistic view of each project, working to provide a framework for its long-term establishment. Landscape master plans are central to developing a site that is cohesive and cost-effective.
In considering our clients’ needs, CLOUSTON addresses matters such as the character and ecology of the site, opportunities and constraints, building or infrastructure requirements, and budget and stage management.
Core elements of these services include:
- Site analysis, data collection and literature reviews
- Development of design principles and objectives
- Development of alternative concept options
- Presentation drawings, sections, perspectives and reports
- Establishment of priorities and costings.
Open Space and Recreation Strategies
Connecting with community
In working with our clients to bring purpose and a clear narrative to the delivery of parks and recreation services, CLOUSTON considers the full public realm, integrating streets, waterways, urban centres and natural areas into the open space system.
Starting with the foundation of the area’s natural environment, our plans draw on the cultural heritage and character of the place to form a coherent and enduring vision that is contextual and relevant to the day-to-day lives of the community that the plan serves.
Core elements of this service include:
- Comprehensive project start-up that includes joint review of opportunities and risk
- Development of a storyboard that sets the length and structure of final outputs
- A strong graphic read that includes GIS mapping and conceptual illustration
- Demographic analysis that looks for long-term trends as well as short-term needs
- Effective stakeholder engagement that combines face-to-face and online formats
- A compelling Vision and a bedrock of Principles developed with our clients
- Strategies that focus particularly on day-to-day accessibility and connectivity
- Use of everyday language and idiom to ensure that outputs are engaging.
Plans of Management
Highlighting context and clarity
When developing Plans of Management, CLOUSTON’s key objectives are to support flexible and multipurpose open space reserves, well-targeted and efficient recreation services and the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, as well as to maintain a close focus on achievable short- and long-term delivery.
Core elements of this service include:
- Establishment of clear objectives and goals for the land affected
- Adaptation to the legislation that governs the land concerned
- Integration of stakeholder engagement outcomes
- Detailed issues analysis leading to opportunities that inform strategies
- Easy to read, brief and illustrated strategies and actions
- Comprehensive mapping and a conceptual master plan for the site
- Staging, priorities and costing tailored to client context.
Water Management Plans
Usage rather than abusage
Water management is an increasingly important element in the design of built environments, and CLOUSTON is committed to the strategic use of water in our projects.
We work with engineering practices and irrigation specialists to reduce the environmental impact of landscape development and to enhance visual, social, cultural and ecological values through opportunities for recycling, reuse and recharging.
Core elements of this service include:
- Assessment of the site’s relationship to integrated catchment and its effect upon the wider landscape (such as stormwater catchments, ground water recharge and water needs and allocation onsite and downstream)
- Review of water entering and leaving the site, irrigation demand and use
- Review of planting design and appropriate species selection
- Identification of opportunities for harvesting, onsite treatment and re-use
- Stormwater management through application of Water Sensitive Urban Design approaches with an emphasis on quality design.